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Loading.... NSF Organizes Special Webinar for DCL: “Advancing Quantum Education and Workforce Development” (4/22/2021) Workforce - Next Tuesday, April 27; 1-2:30 PM ET NSF will hold a webinar addressing some of the programs managed by EHR that are now opened to Quantum Information Science and Engineering. This activity is related to the Dear Colleague Letter “Advancing… ...
BAA for ARO nextNEQST ARO and LPS release BAA for the Next New and Emerging Qubit Science & Technology (4/21/2021) Quantum Computing, R&D Funding Opportunities - The U.S. Army Research Office (ARO) in collaboration with the Laboratory for Physical Sciences (LPS) is soliciting proposals for research in the next New and Emerging Qubit Science and Technology (nextNEQST) program. nextNEQST focuses on qubit systems that explore new… ...
NIST Count Single Photons NIST Researchers Take Counting Single Photons to an Unprecedented Rate (4/19/2021) Quantum Networking, Quantum Sensing - In high-end 21st century communications, information travels in the form of a stream of light pulses typically traveling through fiber optic cables. Each pulse can be as faint as a single photon, the smallest possible unit (quantum) of light. The speed… ...
DOE Quantum Network Announcement Department of Energy to Provide $25 Million toward Development of a Quantum Internet (4/16/2021) DOE, Quantum Networking, R&D Funding Opportunities - WASHINGTON, D.C.—Today the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced a plan to provide $25 million for basic research toward the development of a quantum internet. The objective of today’s announcement is to advance strategic research priorities through the design, development, and demonstration… ...
LPS Qubit Collaboratory Laboratory for Physical Sciences (LPS) launches the LPS Qubit Collaboratory (LQC) (4/15/2021) Centers, Infrastructure, Quantum Computing, R&D Funding Opportunities - Today the National Security Agency’s Laboratory for Physical Sciences (LPS) launched the LPS Qubit Collaboratory (LQC), a Quantum Information Science research center in support of the U.S. National Quantum Initiative. The LQC offers a mechanism for collaborative research between LPS… ...
MURI FY2022 Cover Page DOD releases funding announcement for FY2022 MURIs, several focused around QIS (4/9/2021) Quantum Computing, Quantum Networking, Quantum Sensing, R&D Funding Opportunities - A recent Funding Announcement Opportunity (FOA) was released for Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Department of Defense Multidisciplinary Research Program of the University Research Initiative (MURI) awards. This year's MURI announcement has several opportunities that touch on quantum sensing, quantum communication… ...
NSF’s Center for Quantum Networks [Image courtesy CQN] The State of Quantum – Highlighting the NSF Center for Quantum Networks (4/7/2021) Centers, NQCO Letters, NQI, Quantum Networking - The State of Quantum Roughly each month I write “from” a different research center about the NQCO’s progress coordinating Quantum Information Science (QIS) activities. Learn more about the NSF Center for Quantum Networks at In January, the White House… ...
Quantum Benchmarking DARPA Announces New Program to Quantify Utility of Quantum Computers (4/5/2021) Quantum Computing, R&D Funding Opportunities - Although universal fault-tolerant quantum computers – with millions of physical quantum bits (or qubits) – may be a decade or two away, quantum computing research continues apace. It has been hypothesized that quantum computers will one day revolutionize information processing… ...
Sandia Labs SCOUT DOE open-access quantum computing testbed is ready for the public (3/31/2021) DOE, Infrastructure, Quantum Computing - Quantum computers are poised to become major technological drivers over the coming decades. But to get there, scientists need to experiment with quantum machines that relatively few universities or companies have. Now, scientists can use Sandia’s QSCOUT for research that… ...
Co-design Center for Quantum Advantage Quantum Computing Summer School DOE Quantum Research Center Announces Quantum Computing Summer School (3/30/2021) DOE, Quantum Computing, Workforce - The U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science has established five National Quantum Information Science (QIS) Research Centers.  These centers will accelerate the transformational advances in basic science and quantum-based technologies needed to assure continued U.S. leadership in QIS, consistent… ...