(August 17, 2021) The $20M, 6-year project establishes the 2D Quantum Materials and Devices Foundry (MonArk), operated jointly by Montana State University and University of Arkansas, and with help of a network of collaborators located mostly in other EPSCOR states: KS, MO, AL, WY, ID, OK, ND, IA, as well as in CO, TX and CA. The research program focuses on accelerated development of novel quantum materials using high quality single crystals in an automated exfoliation, synthesis, characterization and integration loop.
This is the second award under the Q-AMASE-i solicitation. The first Q-AMASE-i was the UCSB Quantum Foundry https://quantumfoundry.ucsb.edu/.
URL: https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1906383&HistoricalAwards=false