SCQIS Releases Strategic Plan for QIST Workforce

(February 1, 2022) Today the National Science and Technology Council Subcommittee on Quantum Information Science (SCQIS) released its National Strategic Plan for QIST Workforce Development. The report recommends a series of actions and highlights community opportunities to grow the QIST workforce through expanded training and education at all levels. It also highlights the continued importance of gathering data on the workforce needs of industry, academia, and the federal government, and of developing long-term learning opportunities to expand and broaden the nation’s pool of talent and ensure the QIST workforce represents all of America. The report will help guide our Nation’s QIST efforts in the coming years as the Federal government works to strengthen the pool of quantum-ready workers.

The report identified four key actions.

  • Action 1: Develop and maintain an understanding of the workforce needs in the QIST ecosystem, with both short-term and long-term perspectives;
  • Action 2: Introduce broader audiences to QIST through public outreach and education materials;
  • Action 3: Address QIST-specific gaps in professional education and training opportunities; and
  • Action 4: Make careers in QIST and related fields more accessible and equitable.

The report can be found here.


Other reports from the National Quantum Coordination Office and the Subcommittee on Economic and Security Implications of Quantum Science on quantum workforce include: