NSF Regional Innovation Engines Development Awards

(May 31, 2023) The National Science Foundation’s Regional Innovation Engines, or NSF Engines, program catalyzes and fosters innovation ecosystems across the United States to: advance critical technologies like quantum information science and engineering, semiconductors, artificial intelligence, advanced wireless, and biotechnology; address pressing national and societal challenges; cultivate partnerships across industry, academia, government, nonprofits, civil society, and communities of practice; promote and stimulate economic growth and job creation; and spur regional innovation and talent. The first-ever NSF Engines Development Awards, announced in May, includes five projects that will drive use inspired research on quantum technologies.

Learn more here: https://new.nsf.gov/funding/initiatives/regional-innovation-engines

Explore an interactive map of NSF Engines Development Awards to view the quantum investments: https://tableau.external.nsf.gov/views/EnginesType-1AwardAnnouncement/KeyTech?%3Ad%E2%80%A6&%3Aembed=y