(January 15, 2025) The U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science is announcing that $625 million is available to support National Quantum Information Science Research Centers. These centers, which are multi-institutional, multi-disciplinary teams, will accelerate the transformational advances in basic science and quantum-based novel-technology platforms needed to develop world-leading capabilities in Quantum Information Science (QIS), and in support of the National Quantum Initiative Act. Each center will integrate multiple levels of innovation, blending basic research, engineering, and technology development in a co-design framework. The centers will deliver prototype novel-technology platforms, capabilities, and major scientific breakthroughs that, in the future, can be further developed into a resource or user-facility capability for the entire QIS R&D community.
Proposals must be led by DOE National Laboratories. All other kinds of participating entities must be proposed as subawardees. Pre-proposals are required and due March 12, 2025. Full proposals are due June 4, 2025.
View the funding opportunity here: https://science.osti.gov/ascr/-/media/grants/pdf/lab-announcements/2025/LAB-25-3530-000001.pdf
View the DOE Announcement here: https://www.energy.gov/science/articles/lab-call-national-quantum-information-science-research-centers