This webpage gives some examples of activities that Federal agencies have engaged in or funded in order to create a quantum-smart workforce for tomorrow. At the K-12 level, the activities include identifying quantum information science and technology (QIST) concepts and integrating them into existing K-12 courses, developing and curating approachable quantum lessons and activities, providing professional development for teachers, and engaging in public outreach about QIST and QIST careers. For undergraduate and graduate students, the activities increasingly involve scholarships, fellowships, and research opportunities, while providing additional on-ramps to QIST through summer schools. For postdoctoral scholars and professionals, activities include fellowships, summer schools, research opportunities, and funding for different types of institutions across the Federal research portfolio. This list provides a small sample of the breadth of activities, and more information can be found on agency websites.

A Factsheet on Federal Workforce Activities in QIS contains many of the same activities.

For more information about how the National Quantum Initiative is building the necessary talent pathways and ensuring that QIS creates new opportunities for all Americans, please see the parent page on Enabling People.


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