(July 24, 2023) The National Science Foundation introduced the National Quantum Virtual Laboratory (NQVL) concept with Solicitation NSF 23-604. This opportunity will foster a community-wide effort to facilitate the translation from basic science and engineering to the resultant technology, and at the same time emphasize and advance the scientific and technical value of this technology. Following a co-design concept, the NQVL will catalyze the development of use-inspired quantum technologies by integrating end-users and potential customers from multiple fields of science and engineering and other sectors of the economy into cycles of research, development, and demonstration. It is designed to lower barriers for quantum technology users to pioneer and accelerate the realization of new applications.
The solicitation lays out a vision for the entire NQVL program, including Quantum Science and Technology Demonstration (QSTD) projects, support for enabling technologies through Transformative Advances in Quantum Systems (TAQS), as well as a central coordination hub. The NQVL is envisioned as a long-term effort involving multiple phases of development, beginning with a pilot phase and progressing through to a full implementation phase as the various projects mature. NSF-23-604 is soliciting proposals for the Pilot phase QSTD projects at this time.
A webinar regarding the NQVL Quantum Science and Technology Demonstrations (QSTD) Pilot Phase will be held at 1:00pm Eastern Time on Friday, August 4, 2023. During the webinar, NSF staff will provide an overview of the NQVL program with emphasis on the Pilot Phase of the QSTD project development process. Following the presentation, NSF will hold a question-and-answer session. Learn more and register in advance for the Webinar here: https://www.nsf.gov/news/news_summ.jsp?cntn_id=307877
To learn more about the NQVL solicitation see: https://new.nsf.gov/funding/opportunities/nsf-national-quantum-virtual-laboratory-nqvl